The Dilemma of Dog Sitters in Dallas: What Dogs Are Trying to Say

January 2, 2023

Have you ever looked at your dog and thought, “Man, I wish I knew what was going on in his cute little mind?”

If yes, you’re one of the millions who wish they could understand their doggy’s behavior.

Unfortunately, no handbook can help you with that, nor a Legilimens -like spell you can use to delve into a canine’s mind.

But don’t lose hope; we can help you work your way around this dilemma.

In this blog, we’ll explain common dog behaviors, their meaning, and how dog sitter Dallas can use the information to relax the pooches. 

Note: The following points are derived from personal observation; you shouldn’t rely solely on them to make decisions. If your dog is behaving unusually, take them to a veterinary behaviorist immediately.

    1. Tilting Heads

    We’ve all seen adorable videos of dogs tilting their heads as if they’re asking a question.

    Well, it turns out there’s some truth to it.

    When a dog hears a new sound or sees something new, it tilts its head, especially puppies.

    Dogs also cock their heads to determine the source of a sound. And they might set out to explore it, so keep a close eye on them.



    1. Biting

    A common misconception is that dogs bite because they’re hungry. However, that’s not true.

    In most cases, canines do this because it’s their way of communicating. Sometimes, it could mean they’re anxious. Other times, dogs nip at their owners because they’re afraid.

    If the biting is followed by showing teeth, it suggests they’re aggressive. So, you should stay away from your dog and let them be for a few minutes.

    Important: Puppies shouldn’t be allowed to bite excessively. Otherwise, this becomes a habit, which proves significantly bothersome for the owners when the puppies grow up.


    1. Eating Poop

    For your sake, we hope you never see your pet eating their own or another animal’s poop. But judging from dogs’ behavior, it’s highly possible. So, you might as well understand why they exhibit this gross behavior.

    Poop eating, scientifically referred to as Coprophagia, in canines could mean a lot of things:

    • It’s their basic instinct
    • It’s a sign of malnutrition, stress, or illness
    • It indicates they have pica – a compulsive eating disorder that makes animals eat non-food items, like paper, paint, or dirt (humans can also develop pica)

    Although poop-eating is not particularly dangerous, it’s disgusting. So, you should consult a trainer to put an end to the behavior.


    1. Running in Circles

    Dogs often run in circles before lying down; it indicates that they’re looking for a comfortable place to rest. However, it could signal something unusual if they do it regardless of the time.

    The reason why your dog is chasing their own tail could be because they’re:

    • Hurt
    • Anxious
    • Releasing excess energy

    Or maybe, your doggo is bored and wants you to pay attention to them.

    In some cases, dogs run in circles to chase their tails, which is more like a game to them. If your furball does the same, make sure they don’t end up biting their buttocks.


    1. Digging

    Before dogs made their way into our hearts (and beds), people used them for hunting. Since then, canines have evolved in a number of ways, but they’ve retained the personality traits that made them hunters.

    That’s precisely why dogs are fond of digging.

    Hence, if you see your four-legged companion digging, let them. It’s an intrinsic part of a dog’s personality, and preventing it from doing so can cause it to become agitated.  

    One instance when the digging becomes a problem is if it happens indoors; your furniture and carpet, unfortunately, would become the victims of your dog’s constant digging.


    1. Licking

    We’re sure the majority of people know why dogs lick their owners, but it’s just too cute to pass.

    If your four-legged friend licks you, it’s their way of showing affection and love. They also do the same when you’re not giving them enough attention.

    Some people also believe dogs lick and kiss their owners because humans taste pleasant to them (fortunately, we’re not cannibals. So, we can neither confirm nor deny this).


    1. Yawning

    When you see your little furball yawning, your first thought will be that they’re tired. But it’s not written in stone. 

    Yes, your dog may yawn because they’re tired or sleepy, but it could also be because they’re stressed or nervous.

    An excellent way to observe this behavior is when you introduce someone new to your furry friend; if they yawn consistently, it’s an indication that they don’t feel comfortable around that person.

Deciphering Dogs’ Behavior Made Easy

Communication is an integral part of your relationship with your furry friend. Though you may not speak the same language, understanding them is very much possible.

Let this blog show you the way if you need help with doing so. The guidelines mentioned here can help you communicate with your furry friends better.

At DTX Pets, our dog sitter Dallas rely on the same observations to keep dogs happy and energized while looking after them. So, you can put your mind at ease knowing your furballs are in safe and competent hands.