6 Tips for Cat Sitters in Dallas to Look After Aggressive Cats

January 27, 2023

Cats can be friendly and loving, but they can also be incredibly challenging. If your kitty is extremely affectionate and friendly, then it’s probably not a problem.

But if your cat is shy or reserved, it might be time to seek professional help.

Cats are sensitive creatures who process their emotions through play and stalking. So, if your furry friend gets bored easily or feels insecure around people, he might become aggressive, especially when you leave them with a professional cat sitter Dallas.

In this blog, we’ll discuss some helpful tips for cat sitters who have a combative kitty as well as other behavioral issues pets may face:


6 Tips for Cat Sitters to Look After Aggressive Cats

Don’t Force a Cat to Like You

It’s understandable that while a cat sitter wants a cat to love and trust them, forcing fur pal to get along with you might not end well for either of you.

Cats can be very selective about who they get attached to and forcing a kitten to accept you may result in a violent or fearful cat. In addition, cats have a complex social structure with clear hierarchies and forcing them to like you could result in them acting out their aggression on you.

Forcing a kitty to like you could cause them to have trust issues for the rest. When a kitten is stressed or worried about something, their primal instincts are to seek out the source of their anxiety.

As cats age, they sometimes develop behavioral issues because their need for human companionship decreases. For example, if you force a pet to accept you, they might become fearful of people and aggressive toward them.

Be Aware of a Feline’s Space and Possessions

A fierce furry animal often has a hard time respecting boundary. If a kitten is aggressive toward you or other cats, they might be snatching at their things, even if they’re out of reach.

Combative kitty is often possessive of their things, whether their food, toys, or personal possessions. If a kitten is violent toward you as a cat sitter and other cats, they might try to keep you out of their things. 

If a cat is destructive toward other animals, they might also have a problem with aggression toward their own possessions. For example, if your cat is violent toward their food, they might also be aggressive toward their toys.

Aggressive cats usually have a problem with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) which can cause them to obsess over certain things, such as their food or their territory. Additionally, if a kitten is combative, you should keep an eye out for signs of OCD or other behavioral issues.

Be Patient with Cats While They Get Used to You

Most of the felines might get afraid and stressed about the change in people in their life.

They are often afraid of new people or new surroundings, and they might try to remove strangers from their lives.

When new people or pets enter the cat’s life, be patient and try to remain calm. They are incredibly sensitive to body language, so try to avoid sassing or hovering over a kitty.

They usually associate calmness and patience with safety. So, instead of pushing a furry friend to like you, simply try to remain calm. If a pet is aggressive, be incredibly patient with them.

Talk to a Feline in a Calm and Reassuring Voice

A violent cat often has low self-esteem, which can cause them to feel threatened when people approach them.

Try talking to the cat in a calm, reassuring voice. If you’re nearby the pet when they’re trying to get attention, try talking to them in a calm, soothing voice.

Keep a Supply of Safe Toys Near a Cat’s Sleeping Area

Aggressive cats seek out quiet places where they can relax. Keep a supply of safe toys nearby a cat’s sleeping area. This will allow a pet to find a quiet place to relax while still keeping in sight.

A violent kitty likes to scratch, and you can keep a supply of scratching posts nearby a kitten’s sleeping area, especially if their scratching is combative.

Aggressive scratching is usually a sign of boredom, stress, or anxiety. Keeping a supply of scratching posts nearby a cat’s sleeping area can help a kitten to relieve stress.

Try Distraction Techniques

A violent cat likes to play with toys and make loud noises, so try to distract a cat before they become moody. Likewise, a violent purring animal often likes noise and activity, so it’s helpful to distract a feline before they can become aggressive.

Before You Leave

Cats require professional assistance because their issues are usually linked to their social needs.  

If a cat is timid or takes times to get adjust with new people, then considering a cat sitter can help your feline a lot. They can deal with their violent behavior and can make them calm.

If you want professional help for your feline, then DTX Pets is here to help you. We’ll take care of your pet as if they’re our own.