4 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Dog Walker for Your Pup’s Health

July 23, 2024

You love your pets and want the absolute best for them. Between your busy work schedule, family obligations, and other commitments, it can be tough to find the time to take your pup on those long walks they need to stay healthy and happy. If you’ve been feeling guilty about neglecting daily walks with your dog, consider hiring a professional dog walking service. Here are four great reasons to bring in some extra help.

1. Get Your Dog More Exercise

We all know dogs need daily exercise, but according to a survey by Psychology Today, about 40% of people do not walk their dogs regularly. Hiring a dog walking service ensures your pup gets adequate activity even on your busiest days. Professional dog walkers will take your pet on 30 to 60-minute walks, providing much-needed exercise. All that walking keeps your dog at a healthy weight, improves joint health, and prevents boredom-related behavior problems. With a dog walker, you can rest assured knowing your pup is getting the activity they need.

2. Enjoy Your Dog More

Ever notice your dog has limitless energy after being cooped up all day? Professional dog walking services will take your energetic pup out midday when you’re not home, allowing your dog to burn off steam. You’ll come home to a calmer, happier dog. Who doesn’t want that at the end of a long workday? Dog walking services lead to better-behaved, less restless dogs, making them more pleasant to be around.

3. Socialize Your Dog

Dog walking services don’t just provide exercise, they also supply invaluable socialization opportunities. Walking with other dogs helps improve your pup’s manners and tolerance for others. It also satisfies their primal need for companionship. Ask the dog walker about group walks to give your dog both physical and mental stimulation. A well-socialized dog is a happy dog.

4. Give Your Dog Mental Stimulation

In addition to socialization and physical activity, dog walking gets your pup out exploring new environments. Professional dog walkers change up the walking routes to provide mental stimulation. Dogs love discovering new sights and smells! These mental challenges help curb problem behaviors caused by boredom and excess energy. A mind-enriching walk does wonders for a dog’s mood and manners.

Regular walks with a professional dog walker provide so many benefits for your pup’s health and happiness, as well as your own. Dog walking services ensure your dog gets necessary activity and socialization, leading to a calmer, better-behaved pet. With so many advantages, hiring a dog walker is a wise investment in your dog’s well-being. Call DTX Pets to ask about rates if you’re looking to have your dog walked.